PRCA Appeal Updates

A SocialBox.Biz blog post update 21st August 2020 We are grateful to great PR agencies that are already answering the PRCA Appeal and supporting our initiative. For the homeless, refugees, and the elderly in the UK, digital exclusion is a reality. Without access to laptops and other internet-connected devices, the disadvantaged are left without access … Continue reading PRCA Appeal Updates

The SocialBox.Biz Guide to releasing old, yet still useful laptops from offices to those that need them the most

By Peter Paduh,  Founder & Chairman, 3 August 2020. For many years, SociaBox.Biz has been helping those who can not afford any kind of computer. This phenomenon has become known as Digital Inclusion. Don’t Recycle We often hear that organisations are already recycling. But, recycling is not always the best option. The Guide – SocialBox.Biz … Continue reading The SocialBox.Biz Guide to releasing old, yet still useful laptops from offices to those that need them the most

With Scope 3 Emissions Taking Center Stage, SocialBox.Biz Offers Community-Based Initiative

A SocialBox.Biz Blog post update by Heather 1st August 2020 Organisations such as Carbon Trust are bringing Scope 3 emissions to center stage, underscoring the need for more initiatives to combat emissions and climate change. There are three scopes of emissions, with Scope 3 covering purchased goods and waste that can be related to technology. … Continue reading With Scope 3 Emissions Taking Center Stage, SocialBox.Biz Offers Community-Based Initiative

Refugee Support Network – SocialBox.Biz Laptop Case Studies Update

SocialBox.Biz Laptop Case Studies, Refugee Support Network Update 31 July and 16 September 2020 As our partners Refugee Support Network are working on compiling the latest case studies of unaccompanied refugee children and young people  receiving rehomed SocialBox.Biz laptops, here are summaries for two of the recipients. Case Studies… *The names have been changed. Yahya* … Continue reading Refugee Support Network – SocialBox.Biz Laptop Case Studies Update


A SocialBox.Biz blog post update by Heather 25th July 2020. The SocialBox.Biz Laptops for the Homeless Vulnerable Initiative has helped the homeless, refugee children, and older adults alike to stay connected with the world around them for years. Now, we are partnering with schools to give old no longer needed but still functioning tech a … Continue reading SOCIALBOX.BIZ | LAPTOPS FOR THE HOMELESS INITIATIVE INSPIRING NEXT GENERATION

Laptops for the Homeless and Disadvantaged Older People Initiative Enriching Lives

A SocialBox.Biz blog post update May 23 2020. The current pandemic has changed the face of life as we know it, but circumstances have become very isolating for the elderly many of whom were already living in isolation and had difficulties getting around. Without access to technology and internet, elderly people have little to no … Continue reading Laptops for the Homeless and Disadvantaged Older People Initiative Enriching Lives