SocialBox.Biz : Laptops for the Homeless Initiative – new case studies from The Passage charity

Case studies from The Passage charity, Saturday 15th February, 2020 HK was originally a supervisor in a steel factory in his home country. The steel factory is connected with the local government and in turn, with the state. HK was consequently involved in the organisation of workers’ protests against retrenchment (the factory owe the workers … Continue reading SocialBox.Biz : Laptops for the Homeless Initiative – new case studies from The Passage charity

SocialBox.Biz Now Hosting Computer Skills Classes at Community Centre in London

A SocialBox.Biz blog post update by Alex, February 2020. Being proficient in technology is mandatory if you want to succeed in the world today especially for those living in major towns. That’s why we believe this kind of education should be accessible and attainable by people who can’t necessarily afford university education, as well as … Continue reading SocialBox.Biz Now Hosting Computer Skills Classes at Community Centre in London