A SocialBox.Biz and Age UK Camden blog post update, February 2020
Age UK Camden is an independent charity that helps older people to stay active, stay connected and get the most out of life. We’ve been working in the local community to support older people for 50 years and have 60 dedicated staff and over 200 volunteers helping us to deliver high quality, innovative services and activities for older people in Camden.
SocialBox and Age UK Camden collaborated to give good quality laptops to older people in Camden to enhance their lives.
The computer Training Room at Age UK Camden’s Day Centre, Henderson Court had to close, and some members were left affected by this.
This was a great opportunity to work with SocialBox to give laptops to those who were not online at home.
Callum, the Digital Inclusion Project Coordinator, brought one of the laptops to Hamdy at Henderson Court who used the computer room to contact his family. He set up the laptop and showed him how to use Skype so he could speak with his family every day from the comfort of his own home. Callum also showed him the video calling feature on Skype which he was very excited to use. Hamdy who is 79 years old moved to the UK from Egypt in 1985 and worked in insurance and subsequently as a consultant. He will use the laptop to catch up on news from Egypt and the UK, using facebook to keep in contact with friends and Youtube to listen to music.
Hamdy sent an email the following month to say:
“I would like to thank u and the social box for giving me the chance to avoid the disruption of my activities through the only window I have to see the outside world. being on pension credit I have very limited means and the laptop gives me the opportunity to do what I like almost free. apart from contacting my friends and relatives on skype and messenger, I also enjoy reading and sending emails. I have also started to watch masterpieces of cinema and theatre. I am fond of documentaries and to avoid short of money which prevents me from travelling, I visit countries on the screen. every day I discover new horizons where I can enjoy sitting at my own laptop and spend unlimited time day or night.
thank u again for availing this chance for me.
yours sincerely
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