With Scope 3 Emissions Taking Center Stage, SocialBox.Biz Offers Community-Based Initiative

A SocialBox.Biz Blog post update by Heather 1st August 2020

Organisations such as Carbon Trust are bringing Scope 3 emissions to center stage, underscoring the need for more initiatives to combat emissions and climate change. There are three scopes of emissions, with Scope 3 covering purchased goods and waste that can be related to technology.

Scope 3 Emissions problems remedied by SocialBox.Biz


While many old laptops and other tech still goes out to the curb when they are no longer needed, the Laptops for the Homeless Initiative inspires people and companies to reuse and rehome these items via SocialBox.Biz platform to help those in need. We know that local re-using is better than recycling as a lot of energy is used in that process of recycling.

Through the Laptops for the Homeless Initiative, organisations and individuals can do their part in reducing Scope 3 emissions, meeting the needs of UK Climate Change Act and giving back to their communities.

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