Study: CSR Increases Company Stock Value

A SocialBox.Biz blog post update by Alex ( January 2017 )

Contrary to popular belief, a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program does not necessarily detract from a firms bottom line. Rather, recent studies have supported the idea that CSR, when combined with positive marketing messages, can provide shareholders with a 3.5% increase in stock returns.


Managers often decide to support charitable endeavors to which they feel personally connected; however, these initiatives do not necessarily facilitate a broader impact for stakeholders such as employees, customers, and suppliers. This discrepancy can pose a marketing challenge in connecting the firms charitable efforts with its own objectives. On the other hand, social initiatives such as creating diverse workplaces and using sustainable resources often provide opportunities for effective marketing messages, which can translate into stronger corporate payoffs as stakeholders connect with the messaging.

At, we believe a firms re-homing of laptops and other devices on an on going basis is another initiative which will similarly resonate with corporate stakeholders. A donation policy offers obvious environmental advantages, as it would keep these items out of landfills. This endeavour would also offer digital empowerment opportunities to individuals in need throughout the community.

Please check our press release below, where we share this new study from McGill University in Montreal which confirms the expanded benefits of investing in sustainable CSR.

More about SocialBox.Biz solutions to CSR problems

SocialBox.Biz is a London-based social impact startup, determined to use its technological expertise to better the lives of the homeless, elderly, and refugee communities. The Laptops for the Homeless initiative from SocialBox.Biz provides help to homeless individuals and other vulnerable individuals in accommodation services who need help reentering the workforce through digital inclusion. SocialBox.Biz delivers working laptops and training classed to individuals registered with verified homelessness services. In return, participating corporations and businesses witness incredible Corporate Social Responsibility increases.

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Corporate Impact Problems Solved

Participating corporations in the initiative will receive increased CSR ratings with local communities through positive press coverage and marketing exposure to prospective investors, clients and customers. This mutually beneficial relationship allows corporations to achieve significant monetary gains by pursuing practical CSR and ESG. 


Any company interested in the partnership should reach out to SocialBox.Biz via their website.

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